Instrucció 1/2022 del gerent de la UAB per la qual es fixen els criteris d’aplicació de les mesures recollides a la SLT/8/2022, de 4 de gener, per la qual es prorroguen i es modifiquen les mesures en matèria de salut pública per a la contenció del brot epidèmic de la pandèmia de COVID-19 al territori de Catalunya.
Instruction 1/2022 by the UAB manager setting out the criteria for applying the measures set out in SLT / 8/2022, of 4 January, extending and modifying health measures public for the containment of the epidemic outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the territory of Catalonia.
Last Instruction from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. With regard to teaching, the development of theoretical activities will continue with a simultaneous attendance of up to 100% of the total authorized capacity. This allows compliance with the Instruction for teaching planning for the 2021-2022 academic year approved by the Governing Council on July 8 and may be reformulated in accordance with the evolution of pandemic control.
Given the current increase in the number of infections and considering the impact that this may have on the development of academic tasks, measures will be taken to make teaching and assessment activities more flexible during the last weeks of the first semester, which will be specified and communicated by each of the centers.
The second semester will begin in the form of face-to-face teaching as long as it continues to allow the conditions established in the successive resolutions of the Department of Health and in mixed teaching in the event that additional limitations are specified.
January 4, 2022
Useful Information
Head Teacher
Antonio Torres