University School of Nursing’s philosophy is inspired in humanist theories covering human beings in a global sense, recognising its biological, psychological, social and spiritual needs, together with the interaction between itself and its environment, allowing its human potential to develop with the others and through the others. Always without forgetting its autonomy and freedom, understood as the capacity to “be fully, to make sense of its life and to choose according to this meaning the spectrum of its actions in order to achieve a personal self-governance with a tendency to the most complete realisation of oneself” 1.
Starting from this human conception, it is easier to picture health as the “individual and social capacity of somatic and psychic well-being compatible with a state of suffering or absence (illness) that do not prevent a full personal life"2. Conquering the highest welfare level implies being able to develop those capacities that will allow oneself to know its own needs and in which way to fulfil them. Also, the capacity of being able to show its emotions in a way that can let others know what the feeling is and structure significant relationships without forgetting to live life following those ideologies and philosophies that give meaning to life itself.
Nursing attention from a holistic approach is achieved by a way of caring that, as Virginia Henderson3 defines, consists in providing medical attention to the individual, injured or not, in the execution of those activities that contribute to its health or the reestablishment of that health, or to avoid suffering at the moment of death, activities that the person would perform if it had the strength, the will or the needed knowledge. In the same way, it is the nurse’s job to undertake this mission in a way that helps the injured to become independent as soon as humanly possible.
Nursing is a profession eminently human that considers men and women both as individuals and in their environment: family, group, community and means.
We consider nursing attention as an autonomous service, specific and complementary that, through education, assistance, investigation and administration of the health service, helps individuals, families and communities in order to conquer the highest health level.
1 ORDRE DES INFERMIERES ET INFERMIER DU QUEBEC. Evaluation of professional competence in nursing and nurses in Quebec. Tom 4: Rules and criteria for professional competence.
2 FONT, Jordi. Definition of health. Medicine annuals Vol.53, No.7. 1977.
3 HENDERSON, Virginia. "Basic principles in nursing care". Published by C.I.E. 1971.
Useful Information
Antonio Torres