Bachelor's Degree in Nursing
What is the central axis of the UNS-Sant Pau?
The person, and this is reflected in the individualized attention that is dedicated to the student, in the organization of the teachings and in teamwork.
What is the main objective?
The main objective of the UNS-Sant Pau as a center of higher education has been and is to carry out a teaching-learning process of the highest quality to train generalist nurses with scientific and human training and sufficient capacity to identify and assess the needs of people's health and knowing how to act in each case.
Informació d'interès
Antonio Torres
Beatriz Campillo
Ana M. Urpí
Xènia Sist
Jorgina Serra
Mònica Romero
Xènia Sist
Seyla de Francisco
Gemma Mas
Rosalia Santesmases
Adelaida Ramos
M. Teresa Ricart
Elvira Hernández
Silvia Vicente