

Manual of Processes (SIQA)
Manual of Processes (SIQA)
Manual of Processes of the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
Based on the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), since Royal Decree 1393/2007, on the organization of official university courses (repealed by Royal Decree 822/ 2021 which establishes the organization of university education and the procedure for ensuring its quality) establishes the need for an Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS), formally established and publicly accessible, structured in processes that regulate all aspects of teaching practice: from the creation of new degrees, their monitoring and accreditation, the human and material resources necessary for the correct functioning of the teaching task, evaluation and training teaching staff and administration staff, up to the management of complaints, the satisfaction of interest groups and accountability to society.
The Process Manual of the University School of Nursing School of Santa Creu i Sant Pau (EUI-Sant Pau) aims to be an instrument to ensure that all activities are carried out in a coordinated manner, adding value to the mission and vision of the organization and ensuring the satisfaction of the interest groups. The Internal Quality Assurance System (SIQA) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) has been the reference framework for the preparation of the first version of the manual, and has been used as the basis and guiding thread of the second and third version. In the Evaluation Report of the request for accreditation of the official degree, issued by the Catalan University Quality Agency (AQU), on July 27, 2017, dimension 3: Effectiveness of the Internal Guarantee System of Quality was assessed in progress towards Excellence. This assessment has allowed the University School of Nursing at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (EUI-Sant Pau) to develop a quality policy aimed at implementing, deploying, revising, disseminating and improving a System own Internal Quality Assurance (SIQA), completely adapted to its identity and its operation.


Manual of Procedures of the SIQA - Modified and approved on 12th December, 2024

Strategic processes
Strategic processes

Key processes
Key processes

Support processes
Support processes

Map of Processes
Map of Processes