RESOLUTION SLT / 3769/2021, of 21 December, by which measures are adopted in the matter of contracting human resources for the management of the situation of sanitary crisis caused by the COVID-19
The purpose of this Resolution is to establish special measures in the field of human resources contracting in the field of the public health and social sector, for the management of the situation of health crisis caused by COVID-19.
Entities providing health services may hire students of the degrees of Medicine and Nursing of the last two years of training, under the modality of a contract for certain works or services provided for in article 15.1, a) of the revised text of the Workers' Statute, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015, of 23 October, for a period of three months, with the description of the job “Reinforcement COVID-19” and the professional category and the salary equivalent to resident of first year of training of the corresponding degree.
The contract must expressly provide that the functions to be performed by the contracted student are for health care, and that they must be performed as a support and under the supervision of a health professional.
The validity of the measures established in this Resolution extends from its publication in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya until 16 January 2022, the date from which no new contracts may be made, although the already formalized contracts may expire.
December 21, 2021
Useful Information
Antonio Torres